Thursday, 19 October 2017

Catching Carp in the rain

so we fished at Island Pool at Willow Farm. The weather was awful. It was raining nearly all the time and we got soaked!
For bait we used prawns and we used the lift method to catch this superb mirror carp. The fight was great, it was super strong and it almost pulled me in!! It weighed 3 pound 9 ounces and it was calm to hold and not too slimy. This is the biggest fish I have ever caught so far.........

1 comment:

  1. This is great to read as I was a similar age when I got the fishing bug, not only is that your biggest fish so far - its a 'fully scaled'! Keep those lines tight, well done!


fishing after a long time

This spot was a place with no fish  so we moved. Tazzy came with us today. This was the first fish he weighed 1lb 8oz he pulled...